Hana Bank’s Competitiveness

You want a secure and trustworthy financial partner to help you prepare for retirement on your terms.
Hana Bank, a leading Korean financial institution, can help you achieve your retirement pension plans.

Hana Bank’s Stability

Stability of Hana Financial Group

Credit Ratings

Hana Bank has secured strong credit ratings from global credit rating agencies

국내 - 한국신용정보주식회사(NICE), 한국신용평가정보(주), 한국기업평가 모두 AAA등급 국외 - Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s는 2017년 A+(A1) 등급, Fitch Ratings A-(A3) 등급

High BIS Capital Adequacy Ratio

Hana Bank has solid financial structure to earn your trust

퇴직연금 제도간 비교
BIS Capital Adequacy Ratio
End of 2018 16.25%
End of 2019 16.11%
End of 2020 14.73%
End of 2021 17.24%
End of 2022 16.63%
End of 2023 17.93%