
  1. 퇴직연금 사외적립액
  2. 손비인정
  3. 법인세 절감 및 부채비율 감소
  4. 기업재무구조 개선
기업 혜택
Category Recognition as Loss
Retirement Pension Plan
Defined Benefit(DB) Defined Contribution(DC) Corporate IRP
Limit recognized as loss
0% of estimated
retirement benefits
100% of reserves
(within estimated amount)
100% of reserves
Accounting Provisions: Treated as liabilities Provisions: Treated as liabilities
External reserve assets: Deduction of liabilities
Contributions: Treated as expenses

When enrolling in DB plan

The larger of the following amount, severance pay and expected standard liability reserve is recognized as expense(excluding the amount already recognized as expense) → Corporate tax cut

When enrolling in DC plan

  • Company’s reserves are fully recognized as losses/expenses
    → Reduction in corporate tax by “Reserved amount x Corporate tax rate”
    (For company executives, however, the contribution is calculated within the limit set forth in the company’s Articles of Incorporation, etc.)
  • Contributions and fees paid by a company are recognized as expenses for accounting purposes
  • Cf) The ratio of allowances for retirement benefits which are recognized as losses/expenses declined to 0% in 2016.
    2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
    25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%